The St. Petersburg International Gas Forum

The dynamics of statistical parameters

Net space, sq.m.
Exhibitors, the number of companies
Visitors, the number of people
Specialist visitors, the number of people
Only the years when the exhibition was audited (and obtained accurate statistics) are given.

Exhibition Audit Reports

Net indoor exhibition space, rented by national exhibitors, sq.m
Net indoor exhibition space, rented by foreign exhibitors, sq.m
Net outdoor exhibition space, rented by national exhibitors, sq.m
Net outdoor exhibition space, rented by foreign exhibitors, sq.m
Special show space, sq.m
Total net exhibition area, sq.m
Gross total space, sq.m
Number of national exhibitors
Number of foreign exhibitors
Total number of exhibitors
Indirect exhibitors
Number of indirect national exhibitors
Number of indirect foreign exhibitors
Total number of indirect exhibitors
Number of national visits
Number of foreign visitors
Total number of visitors
Number of experts
Number of national visits
Number of international visits
Total number of visits
The list of countries
The number of countries
Parameters St. Petersburg International Gas Forum - 2014St.Petersburg International Gas Forum - 2016St.Petersburg Internaional Gas Forum 2018St.Petersburg International Gas Forum 2021St.Petersburg International Gas Forum 2023
Net indoor exhibition space, rented by national exhibitors, sq.m 79808130114651361517170
Net indoor exhibition space, rented by foreign exhibitors, sq.m 427106513855301692
Net outdoor exhibition space, rented by national exhibitors, sq.m 3905183432601348
Net outdoor exhibition space, rented by foreign exhibitors, sq.m 0120430390
Special show space, sq.m 001472280
Total net exhibition area, sq.m 87979833133831463320600
Gross total space, sq.m 2357231719319413861147104
Number of national exhibitors 314393460453493
Number of foreign exhibitors 25544515108
Total number of exhibitors 339447505468601
Indirect exhibitors      
Number of indirect national exhibitors 205753231
Number of indirect foreign exhibitors 23700
Total number of indirect exhibitors 226060231
Number of national visits 665385619420779314580
Number of foreign visitors 350357500258689
Total number of visitors 700389189920805115269
Number of experts 693382949620797013895
Number of national visits 738512114187101169021257
Number of international visits 3895059903871004
Total number of visits 779412619197001207722261
The list of countries ShowShowShowShowShow
The number of countries 11141999